The Farmington Bank Community Foundation, which continues the legacy of the former Farmington Bank, provides financial support to non-profit organizations and community programs that help create opportunities for a better life by focusing on economic opportunities, health, and basic needs.
Geographic Area of Focus: FBCF will consider applications from organizations headquartered in, or with significant services in, one or more of sixteen communities in Central Connecticut: Avon, Berlin, Bloomfield, Bristol, Burlington, Canton, Farmington, Hartford, Newington, New Britain, Plainville, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, Southington, West Hartford and Wethersfield. While FBCF welcomes applications from all of these communities, grantmaking is primarily focused in 10 core communities (Avon, Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, Farmington, Hartford, New Britain, Plainville, Southington, West Hartford) and the Foundation is specifically seeking to increase its grantmaking in Bristol, Farmington and New Britain.
Size of Grants: The Foundation’s average grant size is generally around $8,000 with a maximum grant size of $12,500 ($15,000 in special circumstances).
Duration of Grants: The Foundation generally awards grants over a one-year period and generally an organization is only eligible to receive one grant each calendar year. While there is no limit on the number of consecutive grants an organization may receive, the Foundation may limit support to an organization after three consecutive years to meet other high priority community needs.
Types of Grants: The Foundation generally awards flexible grants for organizations and programs that are in alignment with our mission and priorities. This may take the form of support for a specific ongoing program or project, or one-time start-up costs (including capital). In some circumstances the Foundation may consider general operating support for organizations with a proven track record of impact and history of support through the Foundation.
Eligibility: Applicants must be a registered 501c3 serving the Foundation’s funding region (or have a fiscal sponsor) and aligned with its priorities. Only one application per organization will be accepted per year. The Foundation does not give grant funds for religious activities, endowments or foundations, previously incurred expenses, event sponsorships, fundraisers, or other one-time events, or to public entities or individuals.
Please reach out to if you have questions regarding the guidelines noted above.